Advice Joke

I just realised flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.
That's teresting.

Advice Joke

Scousers, Get your day off to a cracking start by adding a couple of shots of activia to your vodka

Advice Joke

There's a very easy way to avoid body odour. Don't get the tube.

Advice Joke

Walkers. Sell more crisps in Arabic countries by introducing a new Sultan Sheikh range.

Advice Joke

What do you call a fat chick with a great personality..?
A barrel of laughs.

Advice Joke

When everyone is against you, it means you are absolutely wrong - or absolutely right.

Advice Joke

Fill your tyres with water instead of air so if you get a puncture you can trace back to the hazard and warn other motorists.

Advice Joke

Best piece of advice I've ever been given for delivering talks? Visualise your audience naked.
It certainly helped with the half-time team talk for the Under 10s football team I coach.

Advice Joke

Yes frank i know theres a darker side to drugs its called the dealers!

Advice Joke

Everyone who hates speeding tickets, raise your right foot.

Advice Joke

Scare hotel staff by riding a tricycle through the corridors and talking backwards to your finger.

Advice Joke

The heel of a gentlemens' shoe makes an ideal door for a mousehole.

Advice Joke

What do you call a man with no arms or legs?
A cab, so he can get home.

Advice Joke

Save money on sanitary towels.
Buy cheap ones then drink a can of Red Bull.

Advice Joke

If you are unluckky enough to accidentally trip over in the street, keep repeating the process to make it look like it is what you usually do

Advice Joke

What's the point of advice slips at cashpoints?
All they say is "You haven't got any money."
Advice would be for them to say "Look, mate, I know you're skint, but my brother has just won a few bob on the darts; I expect he'd lend you some money till pay day if you give him a bell."

Advice Joke

Muller Yoghurt eaters:
Save a fortune by buying your yoghurts ready mixed.

Advice Joke

What's the quickest way to look slim and fit?
Befriend fat people.

Advice Joke

After telling him numerous times to be careful, my brother fell off his motorbike.
I saw him in hospital, and he said to me:
"I... di...
Did... n... wu...
I... din war... yu..."
So I told him:
"You can't say I didn't warn you."

Advice Joke

Don't you just hate when there is a clown at your bed at 3am because you didn't send on a chain message

Advice Joke

Time is never wasted if you're wasted all the time.

Advice Joke

I'll always remember the last words my father said before he accidently shot himself.
"Safety first, Saf..."

Advice Joke

If someone throws a rock at you, your defence shouldn't be a sheet of paper.

Advice Joke

When people say I care too much about what other people think, I reply tearfully "Do you really think that?"

Advice Joke

While the optimist's gas tank is half full, and the pessimist's half empty,...
they'll both run out of gas at the exact same spot.