One Liners Joke

Dead women never say no.....

One Liners Joke

Dont you just hate it when you slam your computer monitor down thinking that you're on a laptop...

One Liners Joke

Territorial Army: Part time soldiers, full time banging on about it!

One Liners Joke

Should we tell the person who invented the number "0" thanks for nothing?

One Liners Joke

Thanks to Gwen Stefani, I can now spell Bananas.

One Liners Joke

After being under house arrest for the past 21 years, Aung San Suu Kyi has said she'd like a quiet night in following her release

One Liners Joke

Living in a country where obesity is on the rise and skinny jeans are becoming a fad, I fear for the future.

One Liners Joke

My son was crushed by a falling Lego tower..
He didn't make it.

One Liners Joke

specious wrote:
"I'm so manly that even my sentences don't have periods"
I should hope not. This is England and they're called full stops.

One Liners Joke

When originally entered, the joke was:

One Liners Joke

I love oxymorons, but I despise contradictory statements.

One Liners Joke

Black clowns, for those dark humour fans.

One Liners Joke

If you catch swine flu and a man flu at the same time, does it make you a chauvinistic pig?

One Liners Joke

Stupidity is not a handicap, park elsewhere

One Liners Joke

A synanym is a word you use in place of one you can't spell.

One Liners Joke

Sign language: it's very handy

One Liners Joke

There's only one down side to having a stroke.

One Liners Joke

I once sat and listened to the darkness for a whole hour. Then I thought "Hmm, maybe I should put some music on".

One Liners Joke

Great news for BlackBerry users: a solution has been emailed to you.

One Liners Joke

Dont drink and drive, take LSD and teleport

One Liners Joke

The grenade factory is the one place where being able to hear a pin drop is a bad thing

One Liners Joke

Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights make a plane.

One Liners Joke

Ever notice that life is just a series of distractions designed to get you out of bed?

One Liners Joke

I find numbers very reliable.
I can always count on them.

One Liners Joke

When you think society has rejected you and you're alone, you come across sickipedia!