One Liners Joke

I've lost count of the amount of times discalculia has held me back at work.

One Liners Joke

Eat yellow snow,it could be beer.

One Liners Joke

Has anyone actually ever seen a storm in a tea cup?

One Liners Joke

How funny is the tag example on the add joke page now?!

One Liners Joke

Is it possible to be racist towards a black albino?

One Liners Joke

You're about as much use as a Nuns ovaries.

One Liners Joke

Red Bull farts are the wind beneath your wings.

One Liners Joke

After that whale ate him, I bet Jonah cancelled his subscription to green peace.

One Liners Joke

There's a lot to be said for mutes.

One Liners Joke

I couldn't stand losing my legs.

One Liners Joke

What do you call tights that are to big for you?

One Liners Joke

Irony: Like ironing but with more creases

One Liners Joke

Your wife is like Communism, everybody gets a share.

One Liners Joke

I don't do jokes about pieces of wood in the corners of fields that don't belong to me.
That's not my style.

One Liners Joke

I try to avoid deadlines when fisting.

One Liners Joke

Just took my neighbours lawnmower back round to him and he had a right go at me. I told him that if he didn't want me to borrow it then he should put a high quality lock on his shed door.

One Liners Joke

Theres something not right about that stroke patient

One Liners Joke

2 Men go into a pub and sit down to eat their lunches.
"Oi, you can't eat your own lunch here!" the barman says
the two blokes look at each other, then swap their lunches.

One Liners Joke

Do you know what game really winds me up?

One Liners Joke

What group of people are more likely to commit crimes than any other?

One Liners Joke

I love pillows. They are fluffy, soft, and can be used to suffocate you.

One Liners Joke

Fight Apathy! .... Maybe later

One Liners Joke

As I was driving down a dark country lane last night, I thought "its a good job that guy invented cats-eyes otherwise that cat wouldn't have seen me"

One Liners Joke

Look, at the end of the day , i go to bed

One Liners Joke

I wasn't a very good Hairdresser.
I didn't read the Perms and Conditions.