Puns Joke

"Server is experiencing extreme load."
That came suddenly.

Puns Joke

I need to get myself a watch, but I haven't got the time

Puns Joke

I had a dream the other night that I was walking in the dark and I fell in the sea off the coast of Calais.
It must have been a night-mer.

Puns Joke

my entire computer has just been wiped :O
it hasn't looked this clean in years

Puns Joke

I worked as a mail-man in Kathmandu for 3 years. I've never been the same since I came home I think I'm suffering from post Nepal depression

Puns Joke

I was thinkng of underpaying on the bus this morning with a load of change, but then I thought its not fare...

Puns Joke

A light bulb tried to start a fight with me, so I resisted it.
It got Ohmed!
Sorry, my jokes are really ammeter.

Puns Joke

I was asked to create a physical representation of a present singular first person verb meaning 'to perform an action', but I was only given two rings of plasticine.
I made do.

Puns Joke

CAUTION DYSLEXICS: Cillit Bang is NOT some kind of magical lube

Puns Joke

Finishing a book is one of the best feelings ever. End of story.

Puns Joke

I was watching this medical show where they said people with far too much metal in their diet often have a poor vocabulary and struggle to use abstract terms in the correct context.
"How interesting," I thought, as I ate another iron magnet.
It tasted irony.

Puns Joke

I have decided to put my dog down...
My arms were starting to ache

Puns Joke

I bought a really cheap spinnaker for my yacht.
It was on the sail rail.

Puns Joke

I made up a joke about boomerangs earlier......I can't seem to remember it now......no, wait it's coming back to me

Puns Joke

Did you hear about the poor testicular surgeon?
He got the sack.

Puns Joke

Through no fault of his own, my uncle drove his car into a lemon tree, he's still bitter and twisted!

Puns Joke

I was feeling miserable at work when my secretary gave me a lamp. Certainly brightened up my day.

Puns Joke

I was playing chess with my mate earlier when he moved his Castle right in the path of my Queen.
Bit of a Rookie error.

Puns Joke

I was in the pub when this bloke asked me if i wanted to buy some steroids... I said no thanks...my stairs are strong enough already

Puns Joke

Due to cutbacks, the Government has announced the UK will only be entering one contestant in the synchronised swimming event at the 2012 Olympics.
How can anyone sync solo?

Puns Joke

Never take your nasal decongestant to the capital of Iceland.
It'll wreck your Vick.

Puns Joke

I told my mate I could swallow any stone.
He then challenged me to a jewel.

Puns Joke

I was thinking of punching my waiter in the face after he spilled tomato ketchup on my new shirt
but in Heinzesight it wasn't the best idea

Puns Joke

Superman is taking a midnight stroll past a church when a priest runs down the steps. "Superman, Can you help me move some old coffins up some stairs"? he asks. "Are you crazy"? shouts Superman. "I can't go in the crypt tonight"!

Puns Joke

Just been kicked out a pub quiz for beating up an oriental bloke.
I think its fair to say I won that Thai breaker!