Stupid Joke

I was sitting in the bus when an old lady got on.
"Would you give me your seat, young man", she asked me.
"Well, I'm afraid it's attached to the floor", I said.

Stupid Joke

If Cupid ever got married, he really would be shooting himself in the foot.

Stupid Joke

I thought my dog was by far the best when it came to playing dead..
Then he started to smell really bad.

Stupid Joke

I went to a fancy dress party and saw a bloke with what looked like a rabbit hanging out of his mouth:
"Nice one" I laughed, "you must be Warren."
"No mate, I'm Dave" he said, "I've just got a hare-lip."

Stupid Joke

My girlfriend said she'll leave me if I don't stop making song lyric references...
At first I was afraid I was petrified...

Stupid Joke

As I went through the car wash my first thought was that it's shocking how much water actually gets used in here,
Second thought was I wish I had a car.

Stupid Joke

A Chinese horse walked into a bar and the barman said "why the long face'
The horse said, "you must have the long eyes because this is the light face'

Stupid Joke

To me Osama Bin Laden's death is just like the royal wedding.
As long as we get a day off I really couldn't care why.

Stupid Joke

Being an alcoholic, suffering from amnesia. I can't remember the last time I had a drink

Stupid Joke

"Frankly," I said to my mate, "I think your name is Frank and your parents added the 'ly' by mistake."

Stupid Joke

I can tell my girlfriend spends too much time on her mobile phone texting people.
She turns her head sideways now to smile at me.

Stupid Joke

My Mexican lorry driver friend has got to watch what he eats.
He records it on a tacograph.

Stupid Joke

Just installed the new parking device on my car. It sprays black paint on the road as I pull up so I never have to worry about double yellow lines.

Stupid Joke

Joined Father's for Justice when my wife won full custody of our son, Luke, at court. My costume of choice for our protests is a full Darth Vader outfit.
Should make for an interesting reunion when he turns 18.

Stupid Joke

I bet you I can give up gambling for lent.

Stupid Joke

What has no nuts and is desperate for a screw?
The treehouse I made for my son. And that's why he's dead.

Stupid Joke

I'm being taken to court for plagiarism.
But it's just his word against my word...
which he claims is his word.

Stupid Joke

"We don't always see eye to eye, but I want you to know I love you like a brother. Well, maybe not a brother. More like a cousin. Or a step-nephew."
"Gee. Thanks, dad."

Stupid Joke

I should be happy that I've just won the young scientist of the year, but where will he sleep?

Stupid Joke

As the pharmacist handed me my antibiotics he said, "You mustn't drink while taking them."
"That's a challenge" I thought, as the first one I tried to swallow got lodged in my throat.

Stupid Joke

My mum text me saying, "What does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?"
I answered, "I don't know, love you, talk to you later."
She replied, "Ok, I'll ask your sister."

Stupid Joke

I hear the first lady was at the Aquatics Centre today.
What an achievement, she must be at least 900,000 years old.

Stupid Joke

A smoker got lost in the woods.
He went ashtray.

Stupid Joke

"What do you mean you're not buying my car?" I said to the guy collecting it from Ebay.
"Well I don't think it's yours," he said. "Apart from the forged papers, there's just something wrong about it?"
"So you're turning down the chance to buy a thirty grand car for 500?"
"Yes mate, you don't even know how to turn off the siren and the blue flashing lights."

Stupid Joke

She put her left leg in. Her left leg out. In. Out. In. Out.
And then I pushed her in. I probably shouldn't run swimming lessons.