Wordplay Joke

I was in bed with my girlfriend last night checking the exposure on my camera - she said 'What're you doing?'
I said 'Just a bit of light-reading.'

Wordplay Joke

Recent figures show that I need yet another cabinet for all my action men.

Wordplay Joke

My mate asked me if I'd ever seen Paddington Bear.
I said "No, but I've seen Kings Cross evacuated."

Wordplay Joke

I did my first stand-up gig last night.
Normally I sit down.

Wordplay Joke

I'm taking some Time Out from work today...
That's the benefit of having a job in a sweet shop with no surveillance cameras

Wordplay Joke

Can somebody please explain to me why Brazil's national animal isn't a "hairless cat?"

Wordplay Joke

I was gonna go out on the pull last night but I'd run out of tissues.

Wordplay Joke

Have you got any spare money for the afghanistan heros charity?
"Sorry mate ive only got shrapnel..."

Wordplay Joke

99% of people are caused by accidents

Wordplay Joke

I was absolutely furious when I got clamped after work today.
I've told my wife a hundred times that bondage night is only on a Tuesday.

Wordplay Joke

BBC News: Overtaking death driver sentenced.
I really want to know how to overtake death.

Wordplay Joke

I hate when someone says 'good for you'.
They might as well say 'I don't actually care, but I'm going to pretend that I'm happy for you'.

Wordplay Joke

My dwarf girlfriend never shaves.
I love her short and curly's

Wordplay Joke

It's not easy being a hard man.

Wordplay Joke

My mate has a serious drinking problem.
He can only swallow solid foods.

Wordplay Joke

BBC News: Gran punched and kicked for 30.

Wordplay Joke

One AA says don't drink and drive
The other AA says don't drink
My wife just says 'don't'

Wordplay Joke

I went for three runs in one day today!
I must have diarrhea.

Wordplay Joke

When doing cocaine at a party, never ask anyone holding a guitar if they could give you a note.

Wordplay Joke

I'm an upstanding member of the primate community.

Wordplay Joke

I was in Spearmint Rhino and this girl asked "How about a private dance?" so I said "I would, but I have no sense of rythm."

Wordplay Joke

"Waiter, what's wrong with my eggs?"
"Don't ask me, I only laid the table."

Wordplay Joke

I was so unpopular as a kid, i had to play with my sisters imaginary friend.

Wordplay Joke

How can you tell a potent man from an impotent man?
Oh, there's a vas deferens

Wordplay Joke

Renault F1 twitter: "It's a chilly morning in Enstone with a blanket of snow covering the factory!"
build a roof then??