Wordplay Joke

I saw a psychic yesterday and managed to cross over to the other side.
There is no way that conman was getting the chance to take me in.

Wordplay Joke

I'm part of a gang which make drug deals on aeroplanes
We operate above the law.

Wordplay Joke

We've got flash floods in my area today.
I've already found myself a Rolex in a puddle.

Wordplay Joke

Who said Shakespeare was irrelevant?
As he handed over the computer files of the News of the World to the police today, James Murdoch uttered the words, "This is the WinZip of our disc contents."

Wordplay Joke

I have two snakes strapped to my windscreen. They're my vipers.

Wordplay Joke

I bought a shoe horn off some guy down in the market but it doesn't make getting my shoes off any easier.
Although it does clear the pavement ahead of me when I'm out walking.

Wordplay Joke

I love my Electric Fence.
I don't know why exactly? I just can't put my finger on it.

Wordplay Joke

I hate living alone. I have to load the washing machine, do the washing up and hoover myself, and then a month later I have to do it all over again.

Wordplay Joke

I may be in my 50's but I still like to take care of my figure.
I Wouldn't want my action man getting damaged.

Wordplay Joke

I wasn't in the mood to bury my wife's dead dog so I thought,''Stuff it.''

Wordplay Joke

I met a Parkinsons victim today I could tell he was a good guy...
Very strong hand shake.

Wordplay Joke

It's what happens when you throw a Latin American into a lions den.

Wordplay Joke

My wife always did know how to pack a suitcase perfectly.
I even managed to squeeze her big head into it.

Wordplay Joke

Agatha Christie was in a pub quiz, and on a piece of paper, she was told to give another word for death.
Murder, she wrote.

Wordplay Joke

If practice makes perfect, Then you're a dyslexic.

Wordplay Joke

My wife suggested we try and spice things up in the bedroom.
So I hung a giant chili from the ceiling.

Wordplay Joke

PC World won't give me a refund on my computer because they say that I caused the damage by stuffing it full of twenty pound notes.
It hardly seems fair when it clearly said it was running in safe mode.

Wordplay Joke

I cooked for ages yesterday and made thirty very small dinners.
I'm going to make a TV series called 30 Minute Meals.

Wordplay Joke

There was a man walking down the street wearing a big coat. The hood on his jacket kept leaping about frantically and people are throwing money into it.
I asked him
"Do you earn a lot doing that?"
The man replies
"Yea! It's my lively hood."

Wordplay Joke

Does anyone know what a job bowl is ? My girlfriend said she would give me one if i solved this anagram ( wolb boj ) can't wait to find out .

Wordplay Joke

I moved to America to try and make money from telling jokes but...
None of them make any cents.

Wordplay Joke

I've just took on a seven foot black man.
It's mandatory to have a minority employee nowadays.

Wordplay Joke

I went to Liverpool to watch the Grand National, but I never got into the course to see the race.
I was refused Aintree.

Wordplay Joke

English grammar?
That's as easy as counting two three.

Wordplay Joke

Im being sued over copyright issues after the naming of my Uk Based Trachea distribution company
British Airways