Wordplay Joke

Racehorse goes into a bar. The bouncer says, "You can't come in here with those trainers".

Wordplay Joke

Manslaughter: The sound heard while watching women park their cars.

Wordplay Joke

I have always been upset about an accident that happened to me as a child involving super glue at dinner time.
I guess i'll always have a chip on my shoulder

Wordplay Joke

I was sacked from my job working for Samsung today, all because I was selling the latest tablets.
Apparently its not permitted to sell drugs on the shop premises.

Wordplay Joke

I said, "I quite fancy that girl over there"
My mate said, "Go and ask her out".
I said, "Seriously?"
He said, "No, wear a funny wig and do a stupid walk while you're doing it"

Wordplay Joke

My mate asked me if I wanted to pop along to erectile dysfunction club earlier.
I wasn't up for it.

Wordplay Joke

I was sick of all those black youths hanging around in the forest outside my house...
so I cut the ropes

Wordplay Joke

I would buy a big issue, but I've only got smallish feet.

Wordplay Joke

I can't understand why no parents would let their kids join my string quartet
Things are looking bleak for my group The Kiddy Fiddlers

Wordplay Joke

I was telling everybody how I really loved my latest job, helping to write a new thesaurus, but now they've sacked me.
That's urinated on my pyrotechical display.

Wordplay Joke

I'm trying to think of something to right, but the words wont come out write.

Wordplay Joke

The wife gave birth early to a lump of Cheddar last night.
It was pre mature.

Wordplay Joke

I was doing a crossword earlier...
7 ACROSS - 'Not very manageable'
It wasn't difficult.

Wordplay Joke

It angers me when I see people using the word 'literally' in the wrong context.
I will literally kill myself if I see it again

Wordplay Joke

I've been hitting the weights at the gym.
It would be easier to lift them really.

Wordplay Joke

I just started a furniture company.
It's going well sofa...

Wordplay Joke

I took my car to auction yesterday.
It didn't buy anything though.

Wordplay Joke

People call me The Stunt Man.
I had a disease that stopped me growing.

Wordplay Joke

I bought an invisible plane
Now I am a master of disguise

Wordplay Joke

After my girlfriend cheated on me I thought I would hack her phone.
All I ended up with was a broken phone and a blunt machete.

Wordplay Joke

I have this crazy stalker girl demanding money from me. What kind of name is Mortgage Company anyway? French?

Wordplay Joke

My sister fell for the worst snake scam ever...
Anna conned her

Wordplay Joke

I'm a lesbian and I can tell you,
A bird in the hand is not better than two in the bush.

Wordplay Joke

A mathematics teacher was stopped trying to board a plane at Heathrow today carrying a slide rule, a protractor and a calculator.
He was charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.

Wordplay Joke

Last night I had a chicken strip.
It took some convincing but after ten minutes it was totally naked.