Wordplay Joke

i like writing letters - i find its impossible to write with anything else

Wordplay Joke

I met a missionary once.
He said it was an interesting position.

Wordplay Joke

A recent news article claimed that the Mona Lisa was the most beautiful woman in history.
She's not bad, but she's no oil painting.

Wordplay Joke

I think it is hugely unfair as to the amount of criticism that the tabloid press are giving Jordan.
This Middle Eastern state has enough problems to deal with as it is.

Wordplay Joke

I've got a couple of problems I need to get off my chest
I'm going for the operation tomorow

Wordplay Joke

I tried to imagine a picture of the universe a millisecond before the Big Bang.
In fact I've tried many times,
but I just can't do it.
No matter.

Wordplay Joke

Did you hear about the proctologist who was too slow at his job?
His boss told him to pull his finger out.

Wordplay Joke

I punched a hole in the wall earlier today.
It had swallowed my card.

Wordplay Joke

I brought an icicle into work today.
It's gone into liquidation.

Wordplay Joke

I starred in a movie about a piece of bread.
I played my roll perfectly.

Wordplay Joke

I knew someone who claimed he could do a triple head-spin.
He was all torque.

Wordplay Joke

Now that I work nights I have decided to put sleeping pills in my Frosties.
They're Gre

Wordplay Joke

I bought my girlfriend a surge protector for her birthday.
She nearly blew a fuse.

Wordplay Joke

Just had some Walkers crisps.
Nicked them out of his Berghaus rucksack.

Wordplay Joke

The letter M is very rare in the English language.
You only see it once in a Blue Moon!

Wordplay Joke

I climbed down into a gigantic iron mine the other day.
I was in ore.

Wordplay Joke

I was surprised when I got the Nirvana Live at Reading CD for Christmas.
I always thought they lived in Seattle.

Wordplay Joke

Just been watching NBA basketball on Sky. Those Americans can't stop thinking about food.
Halfway through the game I heard one of the coaches asking for a Time out.

Wordplay Joke

I was always told that if you ignore something it won't go away. I was also told there is always exceptions to the rule.
Isn't that right Kate, Gerry?

Wordplay Joke

I feel sorry for the North Koreans, they have no Seoul.

Wordplay Joke

My wife's on a low fat diet.
She eats lard off the floor.

Wordplay Joke

I had a Chinese girl once. Half an hour later, I wanted another one.
It's hard work sometimes, being a cannibal.

Wordplay Joke

I've got constipation. Is this also a log in issue?

Wordplay Joke

I got a box of italian childrens parlour games for my birthday....
'Pasta Parcel' is my favourite

Wordplay Joke

I should have been disappointed by the vending machine dispensing broken chocolate bars, but it gave me a bit of a Boost.