Work Joke

I love my job. Colleagues have been writing names on the food in the office fridge - I am currently eating a yoghurt called Debbie. How cute!

Work Joke

It's always good to find out you're going to be working from home, unless you're a fireman.

Work Joke

I couldn't believe it when one of my employees told me that I didn't take workplace bullying seriously.
But I gave him an official Crybaby Form to fill in anyway.

Work Joke

I'm planning a remake of 'The Never Ending story'.
It starts with me asking my wife, "How was work?"

Work Joke

I can remember my teacher telling me, I wouldn't amount to anything if I carried on with my compulsive lying.
Proved him wrong, I got a job as a Weatherman.

Work Joke

Managed to get rid of my mean boss yesterday after he had a heart attack in the office.
If only he'd allowed personal calls on company time, I'd have phoned him an ambulance.

Work Joke

I went to a job interview Friday and I demonstrated my amazing ability to fart the national anthem.
The bloke laughed so much I offered him the job.

Work Joke

Give a man a job and you have an employee.
Teach a man how to shift blame and you have a manager.

Work Joke

My boss called me into his office earlier.
He said, "Do you think it's acceptable to stagger into work at 11am stinking of booze?"
I said, "Yeah, go for it mate."
I'm now unemployed.

Work Joke

Have you ever wondered how stupid a balloon seller feels in the high street when he's down to his last balloon?

Work Joke

Our computers went down at work today, so we had to do everything manually.
It took me twenty minutes to shuffle the cards for Solitaire.

Work Joke

I've quit my new job as a postman.
They handed me my first letter to deliver, I looked at it and thought: "This isn't for me."

Work Joke

My mate was complaining that the factory he works in is full of immigrant workers. I said, "It makes you wish you'd paid attention at school, doesn't it?"

Work Joke

I got done for theft at my job interview the other day.
Well, he did tell me to take a seat.

Work Joke

I've had to take a second job working in a bakery.
I knead the dough.

Work Joke

Guy 1: "If my boss doesn't take back what he said to me, I'm leaving the company."
Guy 2: "What did he say?"
Guy 1: "Leave the company."

Work Joke

I quit my job last week at the helium factory.
I just didn't like being spoken to in that tone of voice.

Work Joke

What do you call Postman Pat on the dole?

Work Joke

So there I was at work, bashing one out all morning.
Then, after lunch, it hit me: you have to hold down the shift key to get an exclamation mark!

Work Joke

A guy phones up his Boss, but gets the boss's wife instead.
"I'm afraid he died last week," she explains.
The next day the man calls again and asks for the boss.
"I told you," the wife replies, "he died last week."
The next day he calls again and once more asks to speak to his boss.
By this time the wife is getting upset and shouts, "I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU TWICE, MY HUSBAND, YOUR BOSS, DIED LAST WEEK! WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING?"
"Coz," he replied laughing, "I just love hearing it..."

Work Joke

The new 'Dark' Mars bar;
I tried one but then found I could only rest and play.....

Work Joke

I used to have a job at a stationary firm, but i resigned.... i felt it wasn't going anywhere...

Work Joke

I own a shop selling 'CLOSED' signs.
We haven't had a single customer.

Work Joke

They say that Air Traffic Controllers and Dentists have the highest suicide rates of any other professions.
Really? I would've gone with Suicide Bombers.

Work Joke

My boss texted me, "Send me one of your funny jokes Pete."
I replied, "I'm working at the moment, I will send you one later."
He replied, "That was fantastic, send me another one."